Wednesday, April 23, 2008


After getting about 4-5 hours of sleep, I headed up to Tacoma today to assess Dad's situation. When I arrived at his room at the hospital, they were giving him an ultrasound. It looked to be abdominal to start, then they moved down each leg. He has a blood clot in his left leg. His red blood cell count is very low, so they gave him 2 units of blood.

I had to take Martie to the doggie Hilton and clean up some financial messes my Dad made...:) I cleaned out his apartment of any checks, so hopefully that will take care of any further problems.

I realized something while driving to Tacoma..I am just like my Dad in many ways..Emotional, move to action right away...impetous..Debbie on the other hand is a lot like our Mom...stops and thinks..analyzes, asks lots of get the picture.

Either way is right and either way can be wrong too..

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