Saturday, April 26, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday was my parents 55th anniversary and they had to spend it apart. As mentioned in an earlier post, my Dad is in the hospital. Thursday something was going on and he wasn't talking which got both my sister and me angry. Friday he called Debbie and asked her to come up so he could tell both of us together what's going on. Before I knew that he called Debbie, I had gotten a call from a Hospice RN who has known my Dad for a long time. My Dad was a Hospice volunteer for years. (We used Hospice back in 1982 when my Uncle Jimmy died. ) The Hospice nurse told me that they had done an that point I knew whatever the news was, it wasn't going to be good. She had to honor my Dad's wishes and not tell me what was going on other than he was having issues with his liver.

Long story short, my Dad has cancer that has metastasized in his liver. This is 90% as he has refused any further testing. But, all the indications are there. There are several spots on his liver. The doctors are not sure if the cancer originates in the liver or elsewhere. Dad has also refused treatment too. As hard as that sounds, I think it's an ok call.

In talking with the head of the assisted living place where Dad lives, she said that all made sense as to why he was behaving the way he was..especially the lack of appetite.

Dad's prognosis is 4-6 months. I hope that he does not suffer much. I know it's his desire to outlive my Mom, but, it doesn't look like that will be the case. I hope to snatch his external hard drive that has a lot of pictures on it and put together a digital album.

So, how do we plan for the end..or, at least the end of his earthly life. I don't know. I know that it's not going to be easy! I know though that we will get through this! I have said that I finally understand it when people say that it is a relief when someone who is very ill dies..But it still doesn't make it any easier.

This post is rambling and I think I will go to bed!

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