Monday, June 30, 2008


This morning at 4:50 I got a call from Manor Care..Mom is bleeding internally. We need to decide if we want her to go to the hospital. I called Debbie..I know when we hear the phone ring, especially at that hour, we are expecting to hear the worst. Debbie's on her way up and I'm trying to decide what to do. I think I will call in and miss work. I don't know...I don't want to miss a moment with my Mom if this is the start of the end.

Debbie is on her way up and we want to talk with our Hospice nurse. Hospice House may be an alternative to the hospital. Manor Care is comfortable having her there for now and it's the best place for Mom. She would become too confused at the hospital.

It's only been 2 months since Dad's death. We will survive this, but walking through it is hard. I might have mentioned this in my last post, but my Mom has asked our Hospice social worker what happens with her body, so we need to have that discussion. It's something my Dad tried to ask her, but she didn't want to answer. It's a hard question to deal with and Debbie and I need to do that with Mom.

This whole experience with my parents, and Reg's experience with his friend John, makes us realized that all the stuff we have really isn't important. John was a lifelong bachelor and had incredible amounts of JUNK!! With my parents, we had pared them down with each move they made in recent years. I have my Dad's file cabinet and have gone through it. It's been kind of fun going through it. My Dad journaled our experiences with my Uncle Jimmy and his death back in 1982. It was published and I found the original hand written journal.

Reg and I both feel the need to pare down. We were laughing last night about what would go if one of us goes first. Reg has LOTS of books....We are both packrats too..humor aside, stuff really isn't where it's at. There was a poster out years ago that said "he who dies with the most toys, wins." A few years later an answer came out. "He who dies with the most toys still dies." That's where the truth lies.

I'll keep everyone updated..please pray!

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