Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Small First

Today was the Indianapolis 500..This was one of my Dad's favorite events! One year he even got to go see it in person! Unfortunately it was the shortest race in its history. RAIN..I can just imagine he got a real close up look today to watch the race.

I am struggling with grieving. I'm not sure why. I think it's partly because I'm still numb. I also think there has been so much loss in the last month that I can't process any of it. I was thinking that returning to my "normal" life would help, but I'm not sure. I was reading an article about a person in a tv show who recently lost her father and her comment was that she was recuperating from her father's death. I understand that. I talked to Debbie about it and she is feeling the same thing. She and I are both real tired!! Maybe when we scatter Dad's ashes we will feel whatever it is we are to feel..I don't know..I'm not looking forward to that..nervous...

Friday I visited my Mom. It is so hard to see her in her current condition. She fell again last week and has a huge bruise on her forehead. When Dad died, he didn't have time to become ravaged by his disease..Mom has..she is skin and bones.

We are looking forward to the holiday tomorrow. Reg will be trying out his new toy..I think it's called a BBQ pit..he'll be cooking a chuck roast..

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