Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Mother, Anne Hagopian

My Mom is an incredible woman. I could go years back and give you lots of boring details, but I won't. Most of you know my Mom's health is precarious at best and is in a nursing home. Mom has never been one to show us a lot of emotion. As I grew older, she would share with me some details about her relationship with my Dad..The good times and the bad . I know she loved him and took her marriage vows seriously.

She really hasn't cried much around Debbie and me. I feel it's her way of being in her Mom role for us. She was at the service with her (and ours) favorite aide, Tami. They were both picked up by Hospice. Before the service she was trying to get me to sit down..after Emily sang I heard her say how beautiful she did. I'm not sure how she responded to the recording of her and Dad..I was almost afraid she would be thinking of the past. Many people came up to her at the reception to greet her and love on her. My Mom's disease is robbing her of her sight too, so you have to be in front of her and tell her who you are.

The Hospice workers who brought Mom to the service were the same ones who took her to see Dad the day before he died. They shared with us their last moments. There were lots of I love Dad told my Mom how beautiful she was..there was lots of touch..the Hospice workers said it was almost a holy moment..and very sweet.

The service and reception wore her out, but what a trooper! I LOVE MY MOM!!

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