Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I realized something this morning. My Dad was my biggest cheerleader in life. He always told me I could do anything I wanted...as long as I was willing to face the consequences.

Back in the early 70's, my Dad made the decision to become self-employed in his consulting business. I remember him saying he didn't want to sacrifice happiness just for financial security. He believed if what you were doing in your life's work wasn't fun, it wasn't worth doing. He felt that you should really enjoy that which you do. It's something to think about.

In going through my Dad's files, I found some of his writings. He was working on an autobiography of sorts. He realized that he tended to be a perfectionist. You know, "practice makes perfect." He mellowed over the years and he had a hand written note on his computer in recent times that said "practice makes better." I like that!

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