This is a picture of Debbie, Mom and me at Christmas..I would guess it to be 1962 or 1963..2008 is our first Christmas without parents and to be honest, it's been difficult. But, as Debbie and I talked and cried, we were glad that they are with the Lord celebrating with the angels..The real deal.
The words in the title are from the song "The Birthday of a King." Dad sang that song for years at the family Christmas sing..for years and years and years, the Hagopian family gathered for the annual Christmas Sing. It was so fun...there was even sleigh bells on leather straps for the kids when we sang "Jingle Bells." One kid on each end of the strap. The memories are real fresh right now as I am missing my parents.
Jesus was born in this world to give us access to the Lord. It is through Jesus that our sins are forgiven and salvation is given. He is our hope for eternal life with our Heavenly Father. A gift given to us that only needs unwrapping.
Luke 2:11 says "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord." It is this hope that makes this first Christmas without my parents bearable.