Monday, November 17, 2008

I had the most wonderful dream

about my Mom early this morning..I was doing something and saw my parents walk by..Looking healthy and young. I went up to them, but at that point I only saw my Mom and I was able to ask her if she was ok with how we handled her remains..I know that sounds morbid, but we struggled with what to do as she never gave us any direction. She let me know that all was ok..I felt so much peace and comfort and I know that the dream was a gift from the Lord..Thank you Jesus!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mom...I miss you!

In memory of Anne Hagopian..November 12, 1931 - July 28, 2008

I had to take out the slide show as it made a mess of the blog..same for Dad's birthday post..

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today would be Dad's 77th birthday! Oh, how I miss him!!! Last Sunday marked 6 months since he died! Time is going fast. I am still finding myself more "in relief" than "in grief." I don't know when or if it will change. I have become more relaxed in life, that's for sure. I'm sleeping well and my muscle stiffness is improving all the time..(I think that comes from not working)..:)

I know what I miss most is the ability to call and say "what's up?" "Guess what?" Debbie was saying the same week as their move to Alaska is getting closer and closer.

Next week we do this again with Mom's birthday..My parents were 6 days apart..same year and made for some fun momentous birthdays, that's for sure!

So, Dad...Here's to you!